PhoA Help System

Controls :: View mode :: Keyboard

Shortcut Action Description
Alt+Enter Edit Opens Edit picture dialog for picture currently displayed.
Arrow keys Scroll picture Scrolls picture in the given direction (in the case it doesn't fit the window).
Ctrl+Arrow keys Quick scroll picture Quickly scrolls picture in the given direction (in the case it doesn't fit the window).
Ctrl+I Info bar relocation Displays resizing handles around info-string allowing you to resize or move it. Pressing it twice or mouse click outside the bar finishes this mode.
End Last picture Jumps to the last picture in the group.
Enter Finish viewing on the current picture Like Esc, returns to the browse mode, but focuses the last viewed picture in the thumbnails window.
Esc Finish viewing Returns to the browse mode leaving the last thumbnail selection intact.
F Toggle fullscreen Switches between the fullscreen and the window mode.
F1 Help Displays the view mode help.
F2 Display info Toggles info-string line display.
F4 Program preferences Displays the Program settings dialog, browse mode settings page.
F5 Refresh picture Reloads current picture from file.
Home First picture Jumps to the first picture in the group.
Page Up, BackSpace Previous picture Reverts to the previous picture.
Page Down, Space Next picture Advances to the next picture.
Pause Toggle Slide Show Activates or deactivates automatic timed Slide Show mode. Slide Show parameters are set up in the view mode settings.
Shift+Arrow keys Fine scroll picture Slowly scrolls picture in the given direction (in the case it doesn't fit the window).
+ (numeric keypad) Zoom in Zooms picture in by the value defined in the view mode settings.
- (numeric keypad) Zoom out Zooms picture out by the value defined in the view mode settings.
* (numeric keypad) Zoom best fit Scales the picture to best fit the viewing window.
/ (numeric keypad) Zoom actual size Displays picture at its actual size (so that one picture pixel corresponds to one screen pixel).